What a cupcake likes…

cupcakes_1ladybird cupcakecupcakes_2

I don’t aspire to literary greatness or wittiness, which posed a bit of a problem when I had to come up with the wording to put on the attendance certificates for the cupcake workshop (item no. 7 on my 30 for 30 list). My friend Emily put together the prose and Emma did the printing of the posters. I came up with this ditty at 3am on the morning of the cupcake workshop, inspired by Edward Monkton. Do you fancy posting a poetic response?

cupcake day slateworkshop attendance certificate

Said the cupake to [insert your name],

“I like it when you help me grow taller

and pipe a no. ’99 whippy on me,

and clothe me in rich,

buttercream yumminess.

Thank you for making me beautiful.”

I promise to post more photos, write up another entry on the workshop itself and a cupcake recipe soon. But right now I am still exhausted from Sunday night’s 6 hour cupcake baking marathon. Any guesses what time I went to bed? More on that later.

25th Feb – cupcake recipe added!

10th Mar – workshop added.

Published by

Han-Na Cha

English Language Teacher, Academic and Personal Development Skills Trainer, Baker.

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