I’ve changed this recipe, since moving to Cambodia. Being surrounded by coconuts and limes, I’ve made this cake a few times but found that the cake was still quite dry, even when drenched in lime syrup. So, I’ve been testing out some new ideas and this morning I finally nailed it. I’ve replaced lime rum with Malibu – a coconut rum. It’s much more accessible and adds to the coconut. I also soaked the desiccated coconut in lime juice and Malibu for 30 minutes to pump up the moisture levels in the cake and cut out the coconut milk.
I still love the story of how I came up with this cake, especially now that I’m living in Cambodia. So, I’ve kept it. I’ve italicised and crossed out where I’ve made the changes to the recipe, however, in case you’re interested in the journey that this recipe has been on. When I baked it this morning, I made a plain lime drizzle cake to taste test the difference the coconut adds to the flavour of the cake. And it certainly does add a mellow note to the cake. So, here’s the much improved, moist ‘taste of sunshine, drizzle cake’.

I find that when it is that cold it’s hard to remember how it could ever be warm enough, that you don’t need mittens for a start… or a coat… or thermals (did I go too far with the thermals bit? is that just me?). Does the UK really have a t-shirt and flip flops season? But now that temperatures are above freezing. Well, it feels positively balmy. ‘Let’s put on those bikinis and do some sunbathing’. Okay – so maybe it’s not quite reached that temperature yet.
So, this recipe is dedicated to all of you who would like to be reminded of some sunshine. A taste of hope that seasons do come and change.
How apt. As I write, I realise that on the two occasions that I have baked this cake, they were to celebrate significant milestones in my sister’s life.
Milestone #2. (Nope, this isn’t a typo, I’m milestoning this chronologically)
Back in November, my mum came to visit me en route to my sister’s graduation. Quite a considerable detour since my sister, Ee-Reh, lives in Huddersfield! Bless her – my mum told me later that her main intent on visiting me was to unpack whatever boxes remained from my various moves over the summer. Instead, it was really nice to show her that her eldest daughter had finally seen the light about unpacking everything and was trying to keep her flat tidy.
The following morning, whilst my mum acted on an urge to do my ironing (I love her!), I wanted a taste of sunshine. So, I baked a cake for my mum to take as my sister’s graduation present.
Unfortunately the graduation ceremony was called off due to the severe weather conditions.
Milestone #1.
I first made this cake for my sister’s wedding in September, along with Ee-Reh’s request for my lemon drizzle and dark chocolate cake. My sister had asked several of her guests to contribute cakes. These two were my favourites. The Carrot Cake is decorated with a picture of the swing in the garden where my sister had the wedding ceremony. Then this Bumble Bee Cake, with flying bees. Aren’t they fantastic?

I’ve been wanting to experiment with lime, coconut and chilli since I visited Cambodia in March. Ahhhh… those flavours bring back memories. Cocktails of freshly squeezed limes + sugar syrup + soda water, refreshing chicken and lemongrass soup, steamed spring rolls and deep-fried beetles – what fun! I really enjoyed Cambodian cooking. But it was the sunshine… the sunshine that I desperately wanted to taste.
Honestly, honestly, honestly. The first lime and coconut drizzle cake, the one that I took to my sister’s wedding, was dry. Even with the lime drizzle moistening it up. I now have a theory that dessicated coconut sucks up the moisture in a cake: this also happened when I made kentish cake, another cake recipe that asks for dessicated coconut. Hmmm… so, in true Han-Na style, I did some googling for other coconut cake recipes to give me some ideas on how to liven up this recipe and discovered the addition of coconut milk and rum in cakes. Rum, hey? A real taste of sunshine then 🙂 And thank you to my blessed colleague for lending me her lime rum. In this much improved version, I’ve omitted the coconut milk completely.
Ingredients for a Taste of Sunshine: Coconut, Lime and Malibu Drizzle Cake
- 125g/4.5oz unsalted butter
- 75g/2.5oz caster sugar
- grated zest of two limes –
or one depending on how much limey zestiness you’d like. - 2 eggs, beaten
- 100g/4oz
150g/6oz self-raising flour - 1tsp baking powder
- 50g/2oz dessicated coconut
125ml/4floz coconut milk- 1 tbsp
limecoconut rum or normal white rum (optional) I use Malibu. - juice of 2 limes
1. Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F/Gas Mark 4 and line a 2lb loaf tin.
2. Measure out the desiccated coconut in small bowl. Add in the lime juice and the rum.
3. Put the butter and the sugar together in a bowl and whisk them together with an electric whisk until pale and fluffy. Alternatively, if like me, you don’t have an electric whisk and the butter isn’t softening quickly enough (even when you have left it out on the side to soften) then cheat by zapping the butter in the microwave – see top tip.
Top Tip: I don’t have an electric whisk and I’m not always so organised to leave the butter out on the side to soften. As you can guess, this results in the butter being too firm to hand whisk with ease. So, I cut the butter into small size chunks (about 3 cm cubes) and zap them in the microwave for just under a minute (the time will vary depending on the power of your microwave) in order to ease the whisking process. I try and do it so that the butter hasn’t melted, just softened. In all honesty, I normally end up with a not-entirely-but-pretty-much-melted butter consistency. I guess that it affects the chemistry of the baking in some way but the cakes turn out fine.
4. Add the lime zest and eggs and keep whisking so that the mixture is combined well. I almost forgot to add in the eggs at this stage. The addition of the coconut milk makes it quite a runny mixture so it was easy to forget. I remembered just at the end of the mixing, so I don’t think that the order of adding the eggs at the end affected the baking chemistry too much. But I’m going to say – add them in at this stage, so that you don’t forget.
5. Thoroughly mix in the flour, baking powder and desiccated coconut. Mix in the desiccated coconut with the lime juice and rum.
6. Mix in the lime rum and the coconut milk. Thoroughly mix in the flour and baking powder. The mixture will be rather gloopy now.

6. Pour the mixture into the prepared loaf tin and bake for about 40 minutes, or until the cake tester/knife comes out clean.
7. As the cake is baking in the oven, now prepare the sunshine lime drizzle. Oh, I can almost hear the waves crashing on the beach as I write this up. Where is that bikini?
I normally use golden caster sugar for drizzle. However, this time I tried using icing sugar because i didn’t want the snowy sugary crust on top. No reminders of the snow please! And it worked well. I try to reduce the amount of sugar that I use in recipes so remember to add a bit more sugar if you prefer it sweeter.
Ingredients for Sunshine Lime Drizzle
- 35g icing sugar (you can substitute it with golden caster sugar if you want)
- juice of 2 limes
- 1.5 tbsp lime rum (more if you want to)
8. Mix the lime juice, icing sugar and lime rum. Don’t worry about the lime pulp, I think that the pulp adds personality to the cake when you pour it on.
9. When the cake is baked, make some holes in the cake to ease the journey of the drizzle through the cake. My weapon of choice is a metal chopstick. A cocktail stick will do the job just fine and is easier to source. Pour the drizzle on while the cake is still hot. I find it helpful to use a teaspoon towards the end to make sure that every inch of cake has been covered with drizzle. Ta Da.

Gosh… My text sounds so poncey now that I read it back! Thanks for the post though… 🙂
I’m glad that you like the post. I’m going to bake it again (with a bit more zest) as birthday treats for the office.
Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou …. in the oven and smelling sooooooooooo good.
and it tasted so utterly divine … though a confession – ended up using the juice of 9 limes ( this is in inclusive of the juice I used in the syrup and icing).
The response of my tasting panel was so positive – hence making it again now for a meeting this evening.
Thankyou – what a fabulously wonderful recipe.
wow – how many cakes did you make? or were all 9 limes for one cake? You may have inspired me to bake this again with more adaptations 🙂
Hi – am making it again for a friend’s birthday – will double the quantity for a larger awesome cake and some smaller cupcakes too.
It’s in the oven and made some cupcakes too …
the proof, as they say, will be in the eating.
Drizzle made – I put in white rum ..
@Susie – can’t go wrong with rum! Scrummy yum 🙂 You’ve got me thinking that some coconut cream cheese icing would also work well, in addition to the limey rum drizzle. I’m going to have a think about baking some more of these and experiment some more with the lime quantity!
Hope that you and your friends enjoy it 🙂